It’s hard to be church these days. We’re here to help.

Healthier Church is a trusted resource for congregations who want to be strong, vibrant and healthy communities of faith. Healthier Church associates guide congregations to develop transformational leaders, engage the inactive members, increase giving, conflict resolution, and benefit from a talents and gifts inventory.

Pastors  and  church  leaders,  you have found the help your congregation needs to fully engage new and inactive members and  grow stewardship to serve the world. View what other congregations have experienced after they engaged our services:

Contact us now at for more information about how to get started.

  • Our vision is creating space for God’s Spirit to transform people and congregations.
  • Our mission is walking with congregational leaders to create the space to grow.
  • Our value is 10% helping them get ready to grow, 90% helping them grow when they’re ready.
  • Our purpose is being faithful in the above for God’s glory and building up the body of Christ.

If you’re looking for help to develop  leadership, grow giving and member engagement, or simply experience a clear process for visioning and planning, contact us for a free and friendly conversation.

Becoming Transformational Leaders

Growing Strong Stewardship

Engaging Inactive and New Members

Lessening Church Conflict

View what other congregations  experienced after they  engaged our services in a
9-minute DVD at

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